Link: 11 Artists Working with Moving Images

This video presented us different artists who work with film but I am just going to comment some of them. 

Joshua Oppenheimer expaines that he is interested in the nature of being, time and what it means to exist. He says that he realized that those were philosophical questions rather than precise ones, and that how we perceive said questions is determined by our experience. He explains that filmmaking helped him with those questions by becoming a way of exploring how we experience, how we perceive ourselves in the universe and how our subjectivity shapes the way we know reality and ourselves. I found this extremely interesting because by using art, specifically filmmaking, this man was able to find the answer, or a way to answer, those questions that had always been in his head. The fact that we can use art as a way of solving questions and problems is incredible and mind-blowing. 

I also liked what Doug Aitken said about not liking the way everyone treats art as different dialogues, as separated parts. He said that he did his project which was revolutionary because it treated art as what it is, not different things isolated from each other. I completely agree. When we talk about art, generally our mind goes to plastic art but like this, we are living aside all the other disciplines, which are as important. And not just that, all different kinds of art are very interrelated, they should not be perceived as independent disciplines. 

Lastly, I want to comment on what Wim Wenders said. In the video he explains that he likes the approach of filmmaking of putting something in front of a camera and whatever happens, it happens once and that it's miraculous that it's been caught and we can watch it again and again. I really like this too, it amazes me that we have this opportunity of catching someone that has just occurred once, a moment that is unique and will never happen again the same way, and we can watch it as many times as we desire. It feels so powerful. Jonas Mekas also said that he was interested on catching what there is, what it's special about this unique moments, which is the most difficult thing to do.  


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