This task I have named "portraying emotions" consisted of choosing two emotions to portray, either in a figurative or abstract way. As I hope it's obvious with my painting, I leand towards making an abstract painting, using watercolours. 

The emotions/moods I intended to represent were Anxiety and Well-being. The darkest and colder colours are meant to represent anxiety. These are the blues, the purples and the black. On the other hand, the warmest and lightest colors are meant to represent the well-being part; the yellows, oranges and reds. 

As it can be seen in the painting, the colder colours are more dominant than the warmer ones and that is because I wanted to portray how I have been feeling lately. It's like I'm anxious most of the time. It's not that I'm sad or depressed but lately, there's always something that makes me feel a kind of pressure in my heart that's so uncomfortable. That's why in the painting, around the general well-being, there's always the anxiety surrounding it, making me feel bad. 


This is a great task to present to our students in the future because apart from working on the different colours and which emotions we associate with the different colours, we are also helping them expressing themselves. We are working on emotional intelligence and we are letting them express how they feel. We are giving them tools to share their feelings, moods and emotions. It can also be a tool for us to know how are our students emotionally and find out if they are going through a difficult moment, so we can help them the best we can. 

Click here to see what I was listening to during the creation of this work. 


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