Media Sites / Media Monuments
by Muntadas

Muntadas photographed some places of Washington where had happened historical events in the past, and did a sort of diptych with each of them, placing in one side his photograph and in the other, the photo, in black and white, that the press had published when the historical event had happened. Some of the most important historical events that he refers to are the demonstration in favor of civil rights and native-Americans rights in front of the White House or the murder of Orlando Letelier with a bomb-car, done by Pinochet's agents. Muntadas' reflection about his own work is that media sites are urban places that were once reproduces by the press and that have been silenced and normalized by the architecture. 

This piece by Muntadas contains two of my favorite thing for an art piece to contain; photography and history. I love how he is saying without words that these places could have been remembered by important facts that affected history, but they are not because we have chosen to forget and "bury" under those monuments. From my point of view, it was interesting because we do not realise how much things have changed compared to former times and we do not even reflect on it. We do not know whether the floor we are standing in has experienced a historical event that for some reason has not reached to us. 

The Theatre of Doubts
Rasmus Nilausen

This work by Rasmus Nilausen is like a critic to the intention of explaining the whole univers at one time. He says that only taking one point of view into account is not the best in order to make decisions. H says that there are many more aspects of a thing that what's perceivable at first, and the same happens with art. 

I really liked this piece and I remember that when I entered the room where it was, it shocked me that we could walk in between the different paintings. It was much more inmersive than just looking it from the entrance and we were able to see all the details of all the different paintings. This relates to what the artist said about everything not being the same depending on where we look at it from. I also remember feeling extremely small next to the painting on the back. 


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